Friday 8 April 2016

? Adamkiewicz

Q.All are true regarding spinal cord supply  except
a. supplied by  the midline anterior spinal artery and two posterolateral spinal arteries
b. artery  of Adamkiewicz is found in the thoracolumbar region
c. artery  of Adamkiewicz is usually on the left side, between T8 and L1–2
d. The anterior spinal artery  supplies the major portion of the cord substance
e. posterolateral spinal arteries supply  the motor cells of the anterior horns


The anterior spinal artery is  the most important of supply because it supplies the major portion of the cord substance, including the motor cells of the anterior horns. It gives off tiny sulcocommissural arteries that run into the cord; they are not visible at angiography unless pathologically enlarged.

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