Thursday 27 November 2014


341. Central cyanosis may be present within a few hours

 after birth in

a. tetralogy of Fallot

b. uncorrected transposition of great arteries (UTGA).

c. common atria and common ventricles 

d. PDA

e. persistent truncus arteriosus

434.All are causes of oligaemia except
A Ebstein's anomaly
b. Tetralogy of Fallot
c. Uncorrected transposition of the great arteries with atrial or venous septal defect
d. Uhl's disease

e. persistent truncus --Type IV



Level of shunt Anomaly
Atrium Ostium primum defect[*]
  Ostium secundum defect[*]
  Sinus venosus defect
  Anomalous pulmonary veins[]
Atrioventricular valves Endocardial cushion defects
  Ostium primum defect[*]
  Muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD)[*]
Ventricles Membranous VSD[*]
  Bulvar VSD[*]
  Double outflow ventricle
  Single ventricle
Aorta Patent arterial duct[*]
  Aortopulmonary window
  Common arterial trunk (persistent truncus arteriosus)[]
  Coronary artery-to-right heart fistula
  Uncorrected transposition of the great arteries with atrial or venous septal defect
* Most common causes of plethora without cyanosis;
most common causes of plethora with cyanosis.

Level of abnormality Anomaly
Tricuspid valve Tricuspid atresia
  Tricupid stenosis
  Ebstein's anomaly
Right ventricular outflow Pulmonary infundibular stenosis (severe)
  Pulmonary valvar stenosis (severe)
  Tetralogy of Fallot
  Uhl's disease (right ventricular hypoplasia)
Pulmonary arterial Pulmonary artery or trunk atresia
  Right or left pulmonary artery interruption
  Peripheral pulmonary artery interruption or stenosis
  Common arterial trunk (persistent truncus) (Type IV)
  Transposition (ventriculo-arterial discordance) with pulmonary valve stenosis
  Eisenmenger reaction (lung periphery only)

REF --
CHAPTER 23 – Congenital Heart Disease: General Principles and Imaging

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