1..All the anatomic markers serve to
divide the right lobe from the left lobe except
a.the intrahepatic IVC
b.the gall bladder fossa
c.the middle hepatic vein
d.the undivided portion of the right
portal vein
e.falciparum ligament
2..All are true regarding imaging of
anatomy of liver except
a.the longest branch of the right
hepatic vein divides the right lobe into anterior and posterior segment
b. the falciform ligament divides the
left lobe into medial and lateral segment
c.IVC divides thecaudate lobe from the
lateral segment of the left lobe
d.accessary fissure of liver is formed
by the vagnationations of the diaphragm and peritoneum
e.the right lobe and medial segment of
the left lobe is resected in trisegmentectomy
The longest branch of the right hepatic vein and bifurcation
of the right portal vein divides the right lobe into anterior and posterior
The left hepatic vein(cranial part),ascending portion of the left portal vein(middle part)
and the falciform ligament(caudal part ) divides the left lobe into medial and
lateral segment
The fissure of the venous ligament divides the caudate lobe
from the lateral segment of the left lobe