Q.All are true regarding imaging
of spinal cord ependymomas except
a. erosion of the pedicles or of the posterior surface of
the vertebral bodies
b. typically heterogeneous on T2-weighted images
c.tend to enhance intensely but irregularly
d. often have ill
defined margin
e.areas of hemorrhage
Although ependymoma are
characteristically quite heterogeneous and astrocytomas are characteristically
more homogeneous, it often is very difficult to differentiate these tumors from
astrocytomas by imaging criteria. There are a few suggestive criteria, however.
First, ependymomas occur far more
often in the lower cord and conus than astrocytomas.
Second, astrocytomas tend to arise
eccentrically within the cord, especially posteriorly. Ependymomas arise from ependymal cells in the central
canal and tend to be central
Third, ependymomas are more frequently
hemorrhagic than astrocytomas.
Fourth, regions of low intensity reflecting
hypercellularity are more common in ependymomas. Finally, because of the thin
pseudocapsule that surrounds ependymomas, it may be possible on very thin
sections to identify a plane separating the ependymoma from the cord, unlike
astrocytomas, which tend to be infiltrative and have poorly defined borders.