Q.All are true regarding diffusion imaging
in stroke except
DWI changes have been observed at less than 1 hour after the onset of ischemia
b. the ADC map shows hyperintensity beyond 10 days of
c.Infarcts with greater percentages of low ADC
values have higher rates of hemorrhagic
d. Enhancement and restricted diffusion often coexist
in arterial infarction.
e. DWI of lesion volumes enlarge over time after the acute stroke.
and restricted diffusion are not generally found
coexisting in arterial
values is seen low within hours after the stroke and continue
to decline for
the next few days. They remain reduced through the
first 4 to 5 days after
stroke and then undergo pseudonormalization
between 4 and 10 days . After this
the ADC subsequently has been
found to rise in the lesion (i.e., the ADC map
hyperintensity) beyond 10 days.
DWI has been shown to improve
lesion localization and detect the age of the infarction more accurately, DWI
has also been shown more accurately to detect and size ischemic lesions.